Men’s Ministry

Mission Statement

The purpose of Men’s Ministry at Faith Community Church is to glorify God by raising up godly and faithful men through the teaching of God’s Word and the fellowship of other Christian men. All men at FCC are encouraged to be actively studying God’s Word, as well as participating in some form of group Bible study such as a Faith Group or a Men’s Group Bible study. 


Men’s Breakfast & Fellowship

On the 3rd Saturday of each month, we meet at the church at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship and to hear a message from the Word of God. All men are encouraged to attend. For information on the next Men’s Breakfast, check the calendar of events. Information can also be found in our weekly Sunday bulletin.

Saturday Mornings

Throughout the year, there are various Saturday morning studies at the church, except on days of the Men’s Breakfast. Please call the church office or check the church calendar to confirm dates and times.

Thursday Morning Study

Kevin Shea leads an early morning study at 6 a.m. on Thursdays at FCC. The study is currently going through the book of Malachi and focuses on developing true Christian fellowship among men. This group is open to new guests at any time. Contact Kevin or the church office for more information.

Men’s ConferenceS

Men’s Conferences are generally held in the spring and focus on living for the glory of God. Please check with the church office for dates and times of the next conference.
Video and audio of past conferences are available through our page on Sermon Audio.

2024 Men’s Conference


2023 Men’s Conference


2022 Men’s Conference